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Difference Between Journeyman And Master Electrician

Difference Between Journeyman And Master Electrician

Master electrician is one step forward to the journeyman electrician, like in every profession for getting up gradation in their field. Electrician also has the different level of position, where they utilize their skills. The person who has qualified some tests and have enough experience to handle any situation or deal with the challenges in electrical field and they have the capacity to take the projects from the clients and analyze the problems and assign the work to the team member according to their capability.

Different types of electricians

  • Apprenticeship
  • Journeyman
  • Master
  • Engineering
  • Automotive
  • Residential
  • Commercial
  • Lineman
  • Emergency

The work base of all these electricians is same, but the experience they get in different fields depending on the area, type of work, sensitivity in the work. The above stated electricians are classified. If the person first wants to build up their career in this electric field. They need to get training, during this training they will called as the apprenticeship electrician, they get the basic details of the electrical properties and they way to handle the tools and to take the safety measures in handling the electrical equipments and to analyze the area where the equipment is not working.

During training the apprentice electrician takes to the various fields of works and they are asked to do, find the solution for that under the supervision of the journeyman electrician. After completion of the work they need to qualify the exam of journey man electrician where they will get promoted to the journeyman electrician. Journeyman electrician can perform any electrical work without anyone’s supervision. They need only the tools and the request from the client to start its work. After getting 2-3 years of experience in this field, the journeyman electrician has to write the exam for getting a promotion to the master electrician. The work of master electrician is to get the projects from the clients and assign the work to the journeyman and apprentice electrician to work under them. They analyze the areas and the solution for it and explain everything to the journeyman electrician, how to operate and how to deal with the situations. In commercial electrician Surry Hills you will find all types of electricians to serve you better in any electrical issues.

People will not give project of electrical work to the journeyman and apprentice electrician, so they need to get the experience by working under the master electrician for a year and after getting experience and awareness among the people about your work. They will trust you to give their work to you. The main difference between the master and journeyman electrician is the experience in these fields and the trust of the people which the master electrician possesses. For doing simple work we can hire the journeyman, but if it has to do from the start, then its better to hire the master electrician.

Master electrician has the team of electrician to work under him.

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