Home Remedies For Effective Hair Fall Control

One of the most devastating of all ills is that of hair fall. Combing your hair every day and finding those precious strands in the comb breaks your heart every morning. Washing hair is a dreaded nightmare and you’re always scared to style them using heat and other chemical products to not damage your weakened hair further.
Before planning to invest in expensive treatments for hair loss, consider these easy home remedies for curbing hair fall better and regaining your hair’s lost glory:
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is proven to be an excellent remedy for hair fall as well as for skin care. Aloe vera is alkaline base and its application can help restore the pH in your scalp which might be disrupted due to heavy exposure to pollution. The gel also helps ward off dandruff. In order to utilise its properties, apply aloe vera gel in your hair for 3-4 hours and wash off with warm water. This should be practiced a few times a week for good results.
Hibiscus Leaves
Hibiscus leaves as well as flowers are another great remedy for hair fall and help stimulate hair growth. They don’t just promote hair growth but also fight other hair problems including split ends and dandruff. Heat the flowers along with coconut oil to imbibe its essence in the oil. Strain the oil and apply it leaving it overnight and wash it off the next morning. In case you opt for the leaves, boil the leaves in water and grind them into a smooth paste. Apply the paste on your scalp leaving it on for at least half an hour and rinse. The hair will surely show good results in a few weeks. Wash your hair with only the best shampoos and conditioners to reduce the damage of chemicals by using jabong coupons from CashKaro and earn good discounts and Cashback.
Coconut Milk
Thanks to the fats and proteins in coconut milk, it makes a great remedy for controlling hair fall and strengthening weak hair. In order to acquire coconut milk, grate and grind the coconut with water and this paste will help you extract the milk. Apply this on the hair for at least 30 minutes making sure you cover the scalp, tips and the ends of the hair in the milk. Shampoo the hair normally and find improved and healthy hair after a few weeks.
Beetroot Juice
This can easily be termed as a magic potion for the hair owing to the amount of goodness it contains. Beetroot juice is rich in calcium, phosphorous, carbohydrates, proteins as well as Vitamins such as Vit. B and Vit. C making it a true tonic for the hair. You can either incorporate it in your daily diet by drinking beetroot juice and if that isn’t possible you can mix it in henna and apply it on the hair. It’s one home remedy that will surely do your hair wonders. In order to better supplement your diet, include biotin which is known for its hair rejuvenation properties by using health coupons available at coupon sites like CashKaro.com and get cashback too.
Onion Juice
Onion juice is another wondrous remedy for curbing hair fall. Thanks to the sulphur content in onions, it acts as a great agent to improve hair fall by improving the circulation to the hair follicles giving them the added boost needed for better hair health. Onion juice also acts as a natural cleanser as it helps prevent germs and bacteria thanks to its anti-bacterial nature. Leave onion juice in the hair for about 30 minutes and wash thoroughly.
Make use of these incredibly easy home remedies to battle the problem of hair fall and regain beautiful hair through these simple tips.