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Effective Practices To Avoid Gum Bleeding

Effective Practices To Avoid Gum Bleeding

Maintaining healthy gums is important for overall proper physical health. Failure to incorporate sufficient hygiene practices into our lives can have implications not just on our oral health, but also on our overall wellbeing. Bleeding gums stem primarily from improper, or inadequate removal of plaque at our gum lines. If this condition persists, it may lead to gingivitis, which means swollen gums. If we continually have plaque buildup, and gingivitis, that is not addressed by visits with a dentist, our plaque eventually hardens into tartar, which comes with increased bleeding, and eventually more advanced gum disease known as periodontitis. Our best option is to prevent this early by following good oral hygiene practices, and preventing gum bleeding by following simple steps.

Take Care with Your Cleaning

· Use toothpaste purchased from your local chemist made with bloodroot, a wildflower, with alkaloids known to fight oral bacteria.

· Try a mouthwash made with sage oil, peppermint oil, or chamomile. All of these herbs are known to be calming to the body, and soothing in the mouth. Avoid using an irritant like alcohol.

· Use a soft bristle toothbrush instead of a medium, or firm-bristled brush. Take great care when brushing your teeth. You are trying to remove food, not the outer layer of skin from your gums.

· Adopt meticulous care practices to avoid leaving plaque, or food behind in hidden spots.

· Floss your teeth.

Use a Gargle When you Brush

· A lukewarm, saltwater gargle reduces swelling, cleans the mouth, and is soothing to the gums. Try one cup warm water and tsp. of salt.

· Use warm water mixed with one tsp. of triphala. Triphala is an antibacterial, and antiplaque agent used in Ayurvedic medicine.

· Try equal parts hydrogen peroxide to water. Be sure not to swallow any of this gargle. 

Treat Your Gums

· Rub clove oil directly on your gums. Clove oil is wonderful for treating gum pain, and inflammation when applied in this manner. It has long been used to treat pain associated with dry sockets, and toothaches.

· Chew a whole clove for the same affect.

· Rub peppermint or sage oil on your gums for a soothing effect as well as reduction in swelling.

· Rub aloe Vera gel or paste on your gums. Aloe Vera is a healing agent, and has plaque-reducing properties. Be sure to rinse well after use, as it can leave your mouth feeling “coated.”

There are many things you can do to maintain good oral health, primarily by using and incorporating good hygiene practices into your daily life. If you do suffer from gum bleeding, there are ways to address the problem before it develops into gingivitis, or periodontitis. Remember, no home remedy can take the place of the care of a dentist, or medical professional. Keep in mind that any gum bleeding could be caused by a serious medical condition. If your condition worsens over time, or you do not experience relief from your symptoms, you should consider contacting a medical professional at once. Be sure you have filled out your EHIC Application, and find a NHS dentist in order to get help today.

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