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Groom Photography Guide

Groom Photography Guide

Let’s be real, when we think about weddings, the groom is always comes second. Weddings have always been considered to be the bride’s day, and there are tons of resources out there for the bride to have her dream wedding day.

But the groom needs helps too, especially when it comes to the wedding photos. Not many people out there are used to being in front of a photographer for an entire day, so it can start to feel a little awkward especially when all eyes are on you.  Here are tips from wedding photographer, Mango Studios, on how to get the best groom photography coverage on your wedding day.

Get to know your photographer beforehand. This is important for lots of reasons! You want to make sure you’re comfortable with your photographer and that you mesh well. There’s nothing worse than spending one of the biggest days of your life with a photographer that you don’t get along with. There are lots of ways to get to know your photographer such as meeting them at their studio or sitting down for a coffee to have a casual chat. You can use this time to go over your wedding day and all your photography needs, and an especially good time to ask any photography related questions. It’s a great time to tell them about any of your favourite people like your parents, siblings, and groomsmen so that your photographer knows who your favourite people are! They’ll make sure to include them in group shots and watch for great candid moments with them. Another great way to get to know your photographer is to book a photography session with them. Not only will you have a chance to talk to them and get know them personally, but you will also get to know how they work. Treat it like a practice run for your actual wedding photography session!

In terms of photography, make it personal! Include your best friends and your family in your getting ready portion of the day, even include your dog if that’s what you want. Think about the inside jokes you all share and incorporate the things that you guys love to do. Not only will it make the day more fun for all of you guys, but it will ease any awkwardness you feel in front of your photographer as you will be too distracted from laughing and having fun with your favourite people. Another way to keep things personal is to customize your outfit and accessories. The bride isn’t the only one who can splurge on the perfect shoes and jewellery. Think about your personal style and customize a suit, tie, shoes, cufflinks etc. because when you look good, you feel good, and your photographer will get the best photos of you if you’re feeling your best.

Finally, though it seems hard to do when there is a photographer pointing a camera at you all day, remember to act natural. Ignore the cameras (unless the photographer needs to direct you), pretend like it’s just another day hanging out with the guys, even if you’re doing it in expensive suites.

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