Working With An Attorney To Obtain Child Support Payments
It’s often one of the biggest sticking points when it comes to reaching a divorce settlement and it can get ugly when ex-spouses aren’t on the same page. Not only can a child custody attorney help you get through this difficult period, they can also help ensure that you get a fair vibe in court. Even if you don’t want to oppose your husband’s wishes, you may have specific concerns because they relate to difficult areas like vacations. While some of this can be resolved between the parties, negotiations sometimes fail.
When it comes to getting a fair deal, a good nursing attorney often suggests what’s known as a rotating schedule when it comes to vacation visits. In joint custody, it is not unusual for parents to be anxious about the idea of their young children being with the other spouse during important vacations. Since being together on vacation is often out of the question, a rotating schedule sometimes works best. This can be done on a rotating basis annually. For example, this year the father gave birth to the child at Christmas, while next year he will spend Christmas with the mother.
Summer Vacation
Summer vacation can be treated in many different ways, depending on the situation. In many cases, summer is treated like the rest of the year. In other cases, this may not be possible due to work situations. A Child support attorney Houston will need to work with her client to determine which one is best. But the judge is more likely to consider what is best for the child, rather than what is best for the parents. If these align, so much the better, but the interests of the child will always come first. At the very least, splitting the summer vacation in half, with the son or daughter spending half at the home of one parent and half at the home of the other, might be better.
Medical bills
Your child custody attorney will likely tell you that any parent with a higher health insurance plan will be responsible for having the children in their plan. For deductions and other expenses not covered by the policy, these expenses should be set out in the General Child Support Guidelines and divided as with any other financial concern.
One option is for people living in protective shelters to ask the court to reserve their address, as it is known. This legal action creates special protection and limited access to information that may be too sensitive for the public. By reserving the address, support issues can still be legitimately resolved in court without putting any hidden person at risk.
In addition to this concern, some people may not want to share a title, but still want to collect their support money. Often times, the court allows these individuals to file a wage withholding or collection request through a government agency before reaching the recipient.