Make Road Accident Claims With UK Lawyers

If you have been injured in a road traffic accident, then firstly, we would like to wish you a speedy recovery. Being involved in any accident can be a traumatising experience, so it’s important that you take your time and allow your mind and body to heal, so that you may overcome the stresses that you have been though.
At this stage, you might also be considering making a claim for your accident. This is certainly an option you have, since it is your legal right to financial compensation, if you’ve been injured in an accident that was not your fault.
Whether you were a motorcyclist, cyclist, pedestrian, lorry driver or a car driver at the time of your accident, you have the right to make a claim, if somebody else was responsible for your accident. For expert legal advice over the phone, you can call uk claim lawyers for road accidents, who will be able to help you become better informed about your rights, and give you an estimated payout for your accident, to help you with your claims decision.
Making a Claim for Road Accidents: The Other Side
If you have been injured in a road traffic accident, then it is likely that your road traffic accident claim will be with the other side’s insurer. However, if the other side was uninsured, or if they are untraced, you can still make a claim.
Under the circumstances, you may be eligible to make a claim with the Motor Insurers’ Bureau. The Motor Insurers’ Bureau pays compensation to people injured by uninsured or untraced drivers. You should seek specialist legal advice under the circumstances, however, since the MIB has rigid criteria for eligibility.
Making a Claim for Road Accidents: Potential Limitations
The limitations you need to be aware of when making a personal injury claim are as follows:
The Limitation Act 1980: The Limitation Act 1980 sets out clear rules for personal injury claims, and gives personal injury claims a limitation period of 3-years, during which a claim must be brought forward, and after which a claim becomes statute-barred under the Act.
Liability: To be eligible for compensation, you must have a level of diminished liability, meaning you cannot have been 100 per cent responsible for the accident. If you were 100 per cent responsible, then unfortunately the other side will be under no obligation to pay you compensation, and as such, you won’t be able to bring your claim forward.
If you have any questions about the potential limitations with regards to making an accident claim, then you should discuss your personal injury case with an experienced personal injury lawyer, who specialises in road traffic accident claims.