Ahyanah Mincy Showcases Women Entrepreneurs

Mogul is a platform reaching millions of women per month across 196 countries and 30,470 cities worldwide. Mogul gives informational access to women from all backgrounds and across the world. It has become a global platform where women can share and receive information, jobs and merchandise. Women can use the site to ask questions, sell things, find jobs or post articles and blog post. Out of millions of users of OnMogul only 5,000 that are verified with a checkmark next to their name which is an honor usually reserved for CEO’s, top executives and celebrities. Despite how hard it is to get verified on Mogul one everyday college student named Ahyanah Mincy is verified but how and what does she use her platform for?
Ahyanah Mincy is a NJ college student at Saint Peter’s University majoring in business management while also being an intern according her linkedin. She uses her OnMogul account to blog about business particularly women in business. She also gives advice to young women and college students about business and companies. Her most popular articles include, “Companies That Master Twitter Customer Service” and “Great Businesses Owned by Black Women” and “Successful Black Female Entrepreneurs Give Advice to Young Black Women” Ahyanah has made a name for herself by showcasing women and women of color so much so that Mogul verified her account. She is not a celebrity or a company executive but she is one of only 5,000 Mogul users to be verified.
Looking at her most popular post obviously people are a fan of her articles where she gives advice to young businesswomen and demonstrate how women lead in business and entrepreneurship. Ahyanah told us exclusively she is working on three articles about entrepreneurs that are also moms. She is also doing another article showing female executives in corporate America. This young blogger wants to use her platform to show women can in fact lead in business which is something mainstream media doesn’t show enough.
This young NJ blogger uses her platform as a verified blogger on one of the largest sites for women to showcase that women specifically black women can be leaders in the world of business and entrepreneurship. Ahyanah broadcast the image of girl power often muffled out of the mainstream and forces people to see women as strong entrepreneurs. Not only does she interview with successful business woman but she often ask them for advice so other young women can gain something from reading her articles. Women of all age will feel empowered by reading Ahyanah Mincy’s blogs as they demonstrate the real image of women in business and entrepreneurship.
She told her us her next couple of articles will be focusing on entrepreneurs that are moms as well. Although she couldn’t give us many details on her next articles but she did say she will be interviewing with a plethora of mother entrepreneurs for her next few articles during october. Her blog showcases women leading in business throughout all stages of life and she will include more soon. To read more about her blogs go to www.ahyanahmincy.com