Recruitment And Selection In Organization

Every person has their unique abilities in terms of doing a work. Individual differences come into play when the same work is given to different individuals. Why one person does better while the other cannot do it at all? The question has been bothering the organizational heads for a long time. Every organization has some expectations from their hired employees. Hence the process of selection of employees must be a tough one to meet the needs of the organization.
The Actual Meaning of Recruitment
First of all recruitment is clearly different from selection. The two are two distinctly separate terms. Human resource management refers to the application of management principles to the management of people in an organization. Recruitment is one of the nuclear purposes of Human Resource Management- a concept held within the canopy of human resource development. The latter means basically means, providing people with relevant skills to have a healthy and satisfied life. Human resource planning helps in determining the number and the type of people a firm needs. Job analysis and job design specify the task and the duties of the jobs and the qualifications expected from the prospective job holders. The logical step is to hire the right number of people of the right type to fill the jobs. Hiring involves two broad groups of activities: recruitment and selection. Recruitment however is a generalized concept covering the whole process of attracting the applicants, shortlisting them, and finally selecting the one who is best suited and appointing him. Selection although inherent in the general recruitment process is broadly a different concept from the former.
Distinction between Recruitment and Selection
Selection is the process of picking individuals with requisite qualifications and competence to fill the jobs in the organization. Selection methods can also be used within an organization for promotion and transfer or for selecting applicants from outside the organization. Recruitment and selection are the two crucial steps in the human resource process and are often used interchangeably. However there is a fine distinction between the two steps. While recruitment refers to the process of identifying and encouraging prospective employees to apply for jobs, selection is concerned with picking the right candidates from a pool of applicants. Recruitment is also said to be positive in its approach as it seeks to attract as many candidates as possible. Since recruitment is a broader concept and it generally attracts a lot of candidates, assessing all the candidates’ abilities for a job can be a burden on the economy of the organization. Online aptitude test can cut down the expenses to a great extent where it is required to test each and every candidate via different psychometric tests for their intellectual assessment.
Selection, on the other hand, is negative in its application as it seeks to eliminate as many unqualified applicants as possible in order to identify the right candidates. Thus, selection is a process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify and hire those with a greater likelihood of success in a job.