Office Interior Design Ideas That Can Make For A Lively Place To Work In

Much like how our lifestyle changed with technology and business, so has our work places too changed shape over the years. According to the leading interior design firms in Bangalore, the new age offices in India will be filled with colourful workplaces dominated by gadgets, where teamwork will be a defining point.
Certain interior designs can completely change the way we work. It includes informal spaces, interactive and innovative designs that focus on the comfort factor at work. No matter how small the office space is, present day entrepreneurs love it to be colourful and funky with aesthetic interiors that aim for positivity.
Let’s take a look at some of the office interior design ideas that are catching up fast in India.
Ergonomic Design:
Office furniture including the office chair, desk, keyboard trays etc have a direct impact on the short term and long term health on office employees. Having an ergonomic office design helps in making sure the level of employee fatigue is minimized thereby increasing productivity.
Before finalizing any office interior design it is essential to hire the services of a professional specializing in offering ergonomic design consultations to get a personalized overview of the office design. Since office furniture, tables, desks, the size and height of the chairs, keyboard trays and other office furniture are used by employees day in and day out, it is important to make sure they are designed in an ergonomic manner.
Lighting and Ventilation:
Office lighting is an important part of any office design. Special emphasis needs to be given on the ventilation and air conditioning support for any office design. Large French windows and sun roofs are considered highlights of a good office space. Provision of natural light through windows can save up to 60 percent of the lighting bills. Moreover, natural lighting enhances the productivity of employees at work. Access to both natural and artificial light must be maintained while finalizing the lighting design of the office space. Ideally each work desk should get access to both natural sunlight and artificial light.
Add to it the use of colour schemes that further enhance the effect of natural light. Use of glossy tiles and ceiling that absorb light also improve the rating of office’s overall appeal.
Access to both natural and artificial light must be maintained while finalizing the lighting design of the office space. Ideally each work desk should get access to both natural sunlight and artificial light.
For specific sections like accounts department which involves constant work on computers and spreadsheets, it is a good idea to make sure they have access to more sunlight each day compared to other department not involved in such long working hours in front of a computer screen. While lighting can be personalized, the focus on lighting does not end with the working space alone and must extend to other areas like conference rooms, cafes and toilets.
Comfort Conferencing
Round table conferences are practically non-existent these days . And they being boring, uncomfortable and a dreadful event didn’t seem to make matters better.
These days the conferencing happens on comfortable sofas and recliners over a steaming cuppa of coffee and tea. The introduction of comfort conferencing basically happened in the artistic industry, where informality is the norm. The productivity of such events has led to its adoption by other companies in many other industries.
Unlike the old ritual of round table conferencing, comfort conferences takes people into confidence rather than trapping them into sticky situations. Many find this helpful and open up more comfortably than before, which enables better connections and a positive business intake.
There is also the factor of increasing the niche appeal of an office through comfort conferencing. A coffee table, a couple of bean bags, a seating space of low stools and a certain formality is all that’s needed to have an amiable conference.
Transparent Door Policy
Another thing that new age office spaces have slashed through is the closed door policy of the past. Entrepreneurs are now staunch believers of connecting their work force through a glass door.
The advantages of this are twofold. While it helps them to keep an eye on their workforce, this also motivates them to work efficiently. Because the glass door policy is a two-way window, the workforce can also see them working; thus a two-way accountability is put into place, which can increase productivity.
Another face to this policy is the aesthetic appeal. The concept of transparent doors has an intrinsic beauty within the office. Privacy is, of course, a problem but that can be achieved through the use of shades, curtains or sliders, if needed. In such cases, keeping the material of a light tone, within the colour palate of the company’s branding would be ideal.
But there’s no doubt that a well designed office enhances productivity and the way employees interact with each other. No matter how big or small your office is, utilizing each corner and inch of floor is a symbol of efficiency.