What Is The Future Of Machine Learning

Since the explosion of machine learning, it has become a hot topic of debate in most IT and science-related forums, groups and social platforms. Hundreds of books have been published on the same topic. Also, thousands of articles and blog posts have been written giving some assumptions and predictions about the future of machine learning tools. For those who are yet to comeacross to any of these books or articles, here is a simplified outline of what the future of machine learning is expected to be.
It will be A Major Part of Most Apps
Software developers already know the significance of adding machine learning algorithms on software applications but not may have the courage to do so. This may, however, not be the case 5 years down the line. It’s believed that in just a few years’ time, most software applications will rely on machine learning to do their magic. Also, most everyday devices are expected to include this kind of artificial intelligence in a few years’ time.
Better Algorithms Training
Training in most machine learning systems is done once. After the initial lessons are over, most systems will then start tackling new stuff and problems. With time, the training provided will become imperfect or outdated since these systems keep on improving day in day out. Some years from now, machine learning systems are expected to have the capability to connect to the internet to retrain users as many times as possible.
Computers Will Be More Intelligent
Some years back before machine learning was discovered, computers couldn’t even recognize simple user commands. The current generation of computers use machine learning to detect and analyze data more correctly, which helps them to respond to user commands more precisely and easily. Additions are expected to be made on the current breed of computers some years from now to make them more intelligent and efficient. Ten years from now, we expect to see more intelligent computers that can seamlessly communicate with humans and respond to commands.
Machine Learning Will Be Offered As A Service
The excellence of the technology we have today is up to 10 times better compared to the version in the 19th century. However, that does not mean that there is no room for technological advancements. As a matter of fact, the technology is expected to advance way better than any of us could have imagined in the next several years. As technology keeps growing and more additions are made, a huge number of businesses will start using machine learning as an [MLaaS] to offer customer care services on the cloud. This will make it possible for businesses to adopt machine learning without needing to spend so much investing in new hardware or software.